Wednesday 22 June 2011

Tips on landing page optimisation

You generally have less than six seconds to sell your services to potential customers on your landing page. This is especially true for PPC campaigns where the end user clicks on your link looking for something specific. So, how do you ensure you present the best possible design?

  • ·        Add assurances: This is especially true if you have ‘call to action’ buttons in your landing page. It is also important to put trust icons next to your call to action buttons so that customers feel assured. These trust icons could be anything ranging from industry awards to Norton Security logos.
  • ·        Keep it simple: The old adage ‘the simpler the better’ still stands good today. You will be much better off keeping only a single call to action button on your landing page. All the other information should focus on leading the user to click on that button.
  • ·         Pre-populate the first field in your form: If your landing page has a form to be filled up, pre-populating the first field can work wonders. Studies have shown that this does tend to increase the conversion rates.
  • ·         Ensure your subject image looks at the call to action: Research has shown that eyeballs usually tend to follow where the subject image looks at. So make sure the person in the image looks directly at the call to action text.
  • ·         Include important testimonials: Testimonials present a great way to build trust in the mind of the potential consumer. So, why not use the landing page itself to build trust.  

At Pipon Solutions we’ve endeavoured to help our customers optimise their PPC campaigns to ensure higher ROI. Take a look at our services and get in touch with us if you would like to learn more.

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