Wednesday 29 June 2011

Google introduces ‘+1’ buttons on paid and organic search results

The world of search marketing and social media is constantly changing.  Google has recently announced that it is now attempting to make search more social by introducing ‘+1’ buttons on both paid and organic search results. The ‘+1’ button has already been in operation in the US for several months now. The feature goes global today.

Analysts have predicted that the Google ‘+1’ will eventually be merged into Google’s larger social project - Google +. Google ‘+1’ will become the equivalent of Facebook ‘like’ buttons. The ‘+1’ project began in March and released the button for webmasters to add to their website earlier this month. Since then, Google has added ‘+1’ button to product pages and blogger widgets. The ‘+1’ counts have also been localised in some instances and have appeared in search results. With the introduction of ‘+1’, Google and Facebook are turning direct rivals. Recent reports from ComScore state that Google now has a whopping one billion users every month! Facebook is not far behind with over 700 million active users globally.

Developers and webmasters interested in adding the ‘+1’ button to their websites may refer to Google’s online guide. If you still need further help, you may choose to contact us. At Pipon Solutions, we endeavour to stay on top of the latest happenings in the world of paid search and SEO.

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