Monday 13 June 2011

The Rise in Local and Mobile Search

Over the past few years, the world of digital marketing has undergone some significant changes.  With breakthroughs in technology allowing advertisers to better target their audiences on the platforms they feel most comfortable in using, it is no surprise that more and more advertisers are increasing their search budgets.  The key question, however, is where are they spending this money?

According to a recent study, the answer to this question is local and mobile search.  The 5th annual Search Engine Marketing Benchmark Report has found that the proportion of paid search marketers who say that they are investing in mobile search has doubled from 8% to 16% over the past year.  A further 45% have said that they are planning to invest in mobile search in the future.  The report was based on a survey of more than 600 advertisers and agencies and also found an increase in the use of local search, up from 27% last year.

With mobile and local search therefore witnessing more widespread use it is becoming more important than ever that businesses begin to tap into the market.  The benefits of spending more money on both are clearly evident.  With local search, for example, businesses are not only given a greater chance to better target their audiences but also the chance to offer a more personalised service for their dedicated clientele.

Furthermore, with the worldwide use of smartphones increasing rapidly, the potential to reach customers through their mobile phones is one that cannot be ignored.  While a search on a desktop might indicate an interest in a business or product, those searching on their mobiles are more than likely out and about and looking for immediate information - such as store information.

With technology around local and mobile search improving by the minute, the findings in the report are not that surprising.  What is potentially more surprising is the continued nervousness by some about utilizing both options.

For more information about the use of local and mobile search please feel free to visit our website and read some of our earlier posts.  If you would like more detailed guidance on your local and mobile search campaigns please contact Pipon Solutions.

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