Wednesday 15 June 2011

Measure your social media influence on Empire Avenue

When a business begins to embark on a social media campaign, it can difficult to look for niche and exciting social media avenues through which to engage with your clientele.  

For this reason some of the world's top brands are starting to invest time on the social media exchange Empire Avenue. Empire Avenue allows players to buy and sell virtual money (eaves) in another person or brand. Empire Avenue’s user base is growing rapidly and the game helps players monitor their social influence and possibly make business connections that boost their bottom line profits.

Some of the world’s top brands such as Intel, AT&T, Microsoft, Ford, Audi and Toyota have already invested time in Empire Avenue and are quickly rising up on the leader board – a list that compares the muscle power of the account holders on social media as a whole. 

So how does Empire Avenue determine its scoring? According to executives at the company, your score depends on activity, audience and interaction. In other words, your score on Empire Avenue is a function of what you do on social media, how much you do of it, who is listening and how are people engaging with you.

So what are the potential benefits of joining Empire Avenue? It definitely provides you the opportunity to interact with businesses, brands and potential consumers around the world. Furthermore, on Empire Avenue, all that matters is the value of your virtual stock. As long as you keep your ‘shareholders’ happy, they would probably recommend your stock to others. Hence, your brand equity would rise and so would brand recall.

At Pipon Solutions we are constantly on the lookout for ways to better our clients’ social media presence and identity and we have been impressed with what Empire Avenue has to offer. We are still, however, interested in seeing how others have found this service.  Do you use Empire Avenue?  And how have you found it? 

For further information about Pipon Solutions social media packages, or our SEO/PPC strategies, please feel free to contact us.  

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