Monday 6 June 2011

Google Chromebook – the future personal computer?

Google has finally unveiled two versions of the Chromebook – laptops based on the Chrome OS. According to Google, what makes these laptops interesting is not what they have but what they lack: heavy software programs, messy desktops and locally stored documents. 

According to Google the Chromebook is not really a laptop or a computer but rather a “computer-like object” that allows you to do “ everything on the web"  .The Chromebook has also been described as a "tweener" device, sitting between a smartphone, a netbook and a full-fledged laptop. Ray Valdes, an analyst at Gartner states that the "Chromebook is intended to be a better netbook; Web-optimized, lightweight, secure and easier to administer."

Google Chrome VP Sundar Pichai unveiled the first production Chromebooks with a 12-inch device from Samsung and an 11-inch one from Acer. Both use dual-core Intel processors, have all-day battery life, along with Wi-Fi and 3G support. Consumers may buy these as a one off purchase or with three year contracts. Google is also supposedly working on a Chromebox – a simple box-like device that works with existing keyboards, monitors and mice.

With the launch of the Chromebook the key question for digital marketers is what this will mean for both search engine optimisation and Pay Per Click advertising.  One advantage that comes to mind is the speed at which users will be able to search and surf the web: Google claim that the Chromebook will take eight seconds to switch on and this speed may result in more frequent usage of search engines whilst users are on the go.  

Will the Chromebook succeed in creating a niche for itself? Will it ultimately change the way we look at Personal Computing? And will Google market it well enough, as Apple did for its iPad? Join the debate here at Pipon Solutions.  

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