Tuesday 7 June 2011

Google acquires social analytics firm PostRank

Google beefed up its set of social-networking tools with the acquisition of PostRank, a firm that tries to make sense out of user data collected from Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites. PostRank aims to look at the top 20 social media sites in order to help companies understand and engage customers better by studying their behaviour online and responding to their needs. The Canadian start-up is also used by a variety of social media marketing companies in order to determine the effectiveness of their social media campaigns. 

Google will look to use the social media monitoring analytics of PostRank to provide its Adwords customers insights into how their campaigns are performing by monitoring discussions on social media websites. These capabilities will probably be added to Google Analytics. Google could also use the technology to help its own endeavour to move towards social search.

"We're always looking for new ways to measure and analyze data, and as social analytics become increasingly important for online businesses, we're excited to work with the PostRank team to make this data more actionable and accountable. They have developed an innovative approach to measuring web engagement, and we think they can help us improve our products for our users and advertisers," executives at Google said.

"We're proud of what we've accomplished, and we now look forward to working with Google's team to build more useful tools for measuring engagement online, and we'll be sure to share details on our progress in the coming months," PostRank’s website claims.

Further, PostRank executive Ilya Grigorik wrote in a blog post "Indeed, conversations online are an important signal for advertisers, publishers, developers and consumers—but today's tools only skim the surface of what we think is possible. We are extremely excited to join Google. We believe there is simply no better company on the web today that both understands the value of the engagement data we have been focusing on, and has the platform and reach to bring its benefits to the untold millions of daily, active Internet users."

Pipon Solutions uses specific Social Media Monitoring tools to provide valuable insight to clients regarding customer opinions.  More specifically, we use the critically acclaimed Sysomos' technology to provide customized and sophisticated research projects.  This allows our clients to manage their Social Media outlets more effectively to engage with customers at the right touch points, spot and combat any negative discussion quickly and measure the success of their efforts, saving time, money and energy in the process.  We thus only use trusted enterprise solutions that are reliable and functional.  Our clients appreciate our efforts in this direction.

As a leading social media company we have spent considerable time utilizing tools such as Sysomos for our social media management, yet we are interested to see how such tools have affected your social media campaigns.  Have they helped?  Or does the information they provide not have any relevance on your social media activity?  Finally, what affect do you think Google's acquisition of PostRank will have on other social media management tools?  Join the debate here at Pipon Solutions.  

1 comment:

  1. Always glad to hear about people using the Sysomos software successfully and loving it!
    As for PostRank, I think they were a great group doing some great things and I hope only the best for them. I think it made great sense for Google to buy them out. They take blogs and help to give them some sort of ranking by what is going on in the social media space. Adding that to the Google algorithm will (hopefully) make search results better and more relevant.

    Sheldon, community manager for Sysomos
