Wednesday 8 June 2011

Britons Watch 11,000 Years of Video on the Internet Every Month

In what will be seen by digital marketing strategists as further proof of the benefits of online video advertising, it has been revealed that the British public has watched nearly 11,000 years of online video content in one month.

In data released by the Nielsen VideoCensus, which analysed the online behaviour of over 50,000 people, it was shown that 2.69million Britons watched 6.27billion minutes of streamed footage whilst either at work or at home.  This averages out at about 7 minutes of online videos a day which, although still far behind average records for TV usage, highlights the need for businesses to look at video advertisements as a great way to reach potential customers.  In the US alone, online video ad revenues increased from $324 million in 2006 to $1.4 billion in 2010, increasing by 344%.

It will also come as no surprise, especially for social media marketing companies, where the majority of internet users watch their online videos.  Social media sites continue to host the most content as nearly 2.79 billion minutes, equivalent to 5,300 years, of online videos were watched on YouTube - the largest video sharing site.  Two-thirds of all online streams were viewed on the Google-owned site, with Facebook contributing to high online viewership figures with 4.4 million users using the social media site to watch videos.

Although some argue that the main reason behind high online viewership is due to the fact that people are turning away from TV due to the amount of advertisements, other research has shown that viewers who are hit with heavier ad loads online have not been abandoning videos in the same way that some people thought they would.

It is therefore clear that revenues for online video advertisements will continue to grow in the future as more and more businesses begin to use it as a medium through which to connect with their customer base.

Join the discussion here at Pipon Solutions and tell us about your experiences of online video advertisements.  For more information about social media marketing and pay per click advertising, please visit our website.

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