Wednesday 8 June 2011

SEO strategies you must avoid

There are numerous proven SEO strategies out there that can take your website to the very top of search engine results pages (SERPS). But, you should, at all costs, not resort to ‘black-hat’ techniques to promote your website. There are also other seemingly ‘natural’ strategies and methods that you must avoid if you want your website to reach the top of natural search rankings:

·         Targeting your competitors’ keywords: If you are a small business owner and unsure as to which keywords you must use, you might be tempted to look into which keywords your competitors are using and copy those. Your competitors’ keywords might suit them because those keywords may fit into their overall marketing strategy. Just like you cannot simply copy somebody else’s marketing strategy, you cannot simply pick up someone else’s SEO keywords.

·         Using link building only for your homepage: You must devise link building techniques for the whole website, not only for your home page. This is because your home page will most probably be generic and will be more of an index. When a user searches for a specific item such as, for example, a black umbrella, you’d like him/her to land on the exact page selling black umbrellas, not on a generic page with links to pages selling umbrellas, rain coats and boots. Hence, you need to build keyword targeted links.

·       Creating pages just for the heck of it: With Google’s panda update, pages with multiple links to useless content will be punished severely. It is very important to remember that quality and not quantity is more essential as far as SEO is concerned, especially after Google’s recent updates.

·        Resorting to unnatural reciprocal linking: By now, you would have received thousands of emails asking you for links in exchange for links back. Participating in such schemes is bad practice and you will be penalised by search engines for following such practices.

·         Creating one domain after the other: If you are a small business owner and do not know the tricks of the trade, you might resort to starting up multiple domains for multiple requirements. SEO experts advise that you will be better off trying to focus your SEO efforts on one domain and getting it right. If you want to talk about a different topic, why don’t you open separate sections on the same website instead of starting up new websites?

As a leading SEO company Pipon Solutions offers comprehensive SEO packages to help you focus on what you need to focus on – your overall marketing goals and business strategies. Our SEO services are completely customised to your needs. We work with you right from the start to identify where your needs are and what we can do to help you get there. The whole idea is to understand your business better and develop apt SEO strategies that fit into your overall marketing plans. Contact us for more information, or look at some of our earlier posts for further advice on the top digital marketing strategies out there.  

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