Tuesday 7 June 2011

How Can Social Media Help Your Business

The importance of social media for a business is a topic that has been discussed on this blog numerous times, however due to the somewhat chaotic nature of social media some businesses have yet to be convinced of the benefits and continue to ignore the potential advantages that social media can bring. 

For those skeptical about social media benefits, here is a list of the ways in which social media initiatives can help your business:

Building Value and Trust – The key advantage of social media is that it creates a link between a business and a customer like never before.  Through putting a human face to your business you not only become more reliable in the face of the consumer, but you are also able to develop closer ties to your customer and increase customer loyalty in the meantime. 

Brand Management – The introduction of social media has made brand management both a more challenging and rewarding task.  For example, any instance of bad PR that affects your business can be quickly challenged via social media platforms.  Responding to criticism of your services and products via social media is also beneficial and simple – for example a business can offer coupons and discounts to disaffected customers on a platform that is there for the world to see. 

Generating Revenue – Essentially, social media can be seen as a free online advertising platform.  If you have a new product in production or are about to launch a new service to your customers, you can announce this to thousands upon thousands of people through one simple tweet or Facebook update.  Instead of spending large amounts of money on traditional forms of online advertising, some of which are potentially useful like PPC, using social media platforms like Twitter to wisely advertise your products is both cost –effective and easy to do. 

Furthermore through using a social media platform to advertise a product you can ensure that only those customers who have expressed an interest in your brand are targeted, resulting in more targeted customers buying your products. 

Aiding Search Engine Optimisation - Lastly, what people say about your business or website has an impact on your website's performance in a search engine ranking list.  Google, for example, have confirmed that links shared through social media sites have a direct impact on rankings.  If your business has no social media presence at all then all the important SEO work that you may have done may not be that useful.  

It is therefore clear that with such benefits on offer social media is a must for any business looking to expand.  For more information on social media, or if you would like us to talk you through how we can manage your social media account, contact Pipon Solutions or visit our website. 

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