Monday 11 July 2011

Twitter reaches landmark figure of 200 million tweets a day

Fast growing micro-blogging site Twitter continues to post impressive figures of growth, reaching more than 200 million tweets a day. There are plenty of reasons behind this growth – including an increase in mobile use of more than 182%. Overall, Twitter’s growth is said to be around 10,000 per cent over the course of the last two and a half years, officials proudly announced.

What has been particularly impressive is the way in which Twitter is being used. Tweeting is now seen as an accepted means of communication of both comical and serious topics. For instance, during the earthquake in Japan, more than 5,000 tweets were sent each second and the day saw more than 177 million tweets. Twitter officials have posted this exciting graphic showing the flow of direct messages, tweets and re-tweets to and from Japan. For the year 2011, the topics that were discussed the most were Swine Flu, Hosni Mubarak and the Libyan civil war crisis.

Twitter has already announced its acquisition of Tweetdeck and its plans to file for an IPO. Social media analysts at Pipon Solutions believe that this may be the right time for Twitter’s IPO ambitions, considering the fact that a drop in valuations in the IT sector is a serious possibility in the near future.  What this also means is that, if you are a business looking to expand your digital marketing options, twitter is now the place to be to engage and contact your customers.  For more information and tips on how to optimise your presence on Twitter please read through our previous posts, or for a more detailed guide please feel free to contact us.  

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