Wednesday 13 July 2011

Top tips to encourage users to share your content on Social Media

At Pipon Solutions, we’ve laid tremendous stress on optimising your marketing in social media. Sanjay Dholakia of Crowd Factory has written an article on Mashable that provides a few practical tips on encouraging sharing on social media. This blog post aims to summarise the whole article into a few key points.
  • ·         Sweeten the deal when people share more: Do-it-yourself group deals allow people to create campaigns with the idea of collective benefit – the more people share among themselves, the more they save. Such deals will encourage people to share and mobilise numbers.
  • ·         Give people personalised gifts: Personalising your gifts to customers can mean a lot to the customer. Furthermore, in the virtual space personalising your gifts does not cost much. For example, you may provide customers early access to content in return for sharing.
  • ·         Allow fans to formulate the deal: When you give fans the ability to help create the offer in the first place, you make things a lot more exciting. For example, HarperCollins lets members select which books should be offered at a discount. Once chosen, deals can be shared on Facebook, Twitter, etc.
  • ·          Recognise ‘superfans’: Dholakia defines ‘superfans’ as enthusiastic individuals who are not necessarily motivated by incentives but are interested in promoting for the sake of it. Marketers need to identify such individuals and reward them with preferential access or recognition. The key is to include them in your marketing mix.

Need further help in optimising your social media campaigns? Get in touch with our experts who will be glad to help you.

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