Friday 15 July 2011

Important ranking factors affecting SEO

SEO Moz hosted a Search Ranking Factors Seminar last week that discussed the important ranking factors affecting SEO at the moment.  As you may be well aware, the world of SEO is constantly changing and failing to notice improved methods to optimise your website can result in poor search engine rankings.  At Pipon Solutions, we’ve highlighted the main talking points of the discussion below:

·          More than 75% of SEO experts believe that social signals impact search results.  This is not surprising, particularly with the introduction of Google’s new +1 feature.  It is therefore important that any well structured SEO strategy at the moment should seek to incorporate and utilise different social media platforms. 
·         A large number of SEO experts think exact keyword match domains will not necessarily mean better results – thereby reigniting the debate over whether to stuff your domain with necessary keywords. 
  • More Adsense slots have historically meant lower ranks. This might mean that the data could be due to low quality sites only focusing on advertising.
  • Building links seem to directly impact results.
  • Title tags have a major say in search relevance.
·         Top ranking sites possess an active social presence

The general consensus from the discussion was that, for any SEO strategy to succeed, three factors had to be present.  These were an easy to use website, engaging content and a great brand.  The world of SEO remains dynamic and ever-changing, with search engines constantly improving search algorithms in order to speed up the search process.

At Pipon Solutions we aim to keep on top of all the latest developments in the SEO industry and have come up with successful, results based strategies that have helped the SEO campaigns of both small and large businesses.  Contact us today for more details on our SEO strategies or visit our blog regularly for more tips from the SEO industry.  

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