Wednesday 9 March 2011

YouTube Is The Best... According To Users Satisfaction

This was concluded by a study conducted by Netpop Research. It's findings suggested YouTube is more likely to be recommended by its users than Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social media sites' users.

The method used on the study to determine the finding is called the Net Promoter Score (NPS), which measure user satisfaction.
It works by concluding which of the users are "promoters" (scoring 9-10), meaning enthusiasts that refers others; "detractors" (scoring 0-6), meaning dissatisfied customers with capabilities to damage a brand and "Passives" (scoring 7-8), meaning satisfied but unenthusiastic customers.
Once establish the percentage of detractors are subtracted from the percentage of promoters.

The study found that 50% of YouTube users would recommend the YouTube, while 36% of Facebook users would recommend Facebook, 33% of Groupon users would recommend Groupon, 30% of LinkedIn users would recommend LinkedIn; 11% of Twitter would recommend Twitter.

However, it is important to note that the study was conducted in the US alone, among 1,253 broadband users from the age of 13 onwards in January 2011. The study illustrates some very interesting findings, but not really relevant to certain parts of the world, user satisfaction could change over time and not everyone use broadband nowadays with mobile devices growing evidently. Nevertheless, Pipon thinks these findings could help marketers establish an effective strategy to launch a viral campaign on the internet.

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