Monday 14 March 2011

First Yahoo, Then Google & Now Bing Instant

Pipon blogged about the release of Google Instant a while back, mentioning the changes Google implemented on its search engine. Microsoft is now on the move following the latest reports last week about the implementation of new features and changes on its growing search engine, Bing.

Last week, buzz surrounding the industry and Microsoft was on its plans to release a new version of Bing powered by HTML5. The buzz focused on some of the latest features available to users such as the one similar to Google Instant, which will allow users to preview their search as they type.

Microsoft is planning on unveiling a preview of the new HTML powered version of Bing simultaneously with their release of Internet Explorer 9, which could be officially launched this April during the MIX11.
However for you're eager to have a taste of the new version of Bing, there is a a preview site which is currently live and accessible through here.

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