Thursday 17 March 2011

Google Has Too Many Products!

A statement by Marissa Mayer, Google's VP of Search, declared last week that "Google Has Too Many Products..." during the SXSWi conference in Austin, US.
Pipon agrees with Mayer, including internet and mobile users, perhaps you do too?

Mayer, who has recently changed focus from search to location and local services late last year, referred to Google's local products saying that she thinks Google has "too many products and we need to condense them”.
She also explains that there are so many Google local products because the giant company is consistently experimenting on new products.
Currently Google's local products varies from Google Earth, Google Hotpot, Google Latitude, Google Street View, Google Maps, Google Places... and many more including different mobile versions. During her presentation, she informs the audience that 40% of Google Maps users access the product through mobile devices.

Pipon agrees with her statement to consolidate some of the products, which sounds more practical. The idea of making some of the products into features, such as Google latitude and Google Hotpot could ultimately conceive a powerful product.

You can watch her presentation here

What do you think about Google products?

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