Friday 4 March 2011

Who Is Mark Zuckerberg?

To most of the world, he's mostly known as the youngest billionaire who revolutionized the way the world utilises the internet as both a socialising & marketing tool with the famous social network site, Facebook.

To some he is also perceived as an arrogant & self-confessed genius with an 'asshole' complex, from his depiction in the successful biographical film, The social network, which details the conception of Facebook.

To help those interested in answering the question, a comic book was released last month on the 23rd, produced by Bluewater production & written by Jerome Maida, a freelance journalist.
The comic book is solely about the CEO & creator of Facebook and about his life achievement & creation. Maida wrote the 48-page issue based on compelling research on Mark Zuckerberg and declared it "a fascinating story" as "hardly anyone knows much about him. It's amazing".

With Facebook currently as its peak, here at Pipon we think it seems the right time to release this book. Check back later to see what we think once we've had a chance to read it.

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