Tuesday 16 November 2010

Clash of The 'Project Titan', Gmail Vs Facemail?

A lot of people within the industry have witness the bickering battle between the dominant brands within the industry; Google and Facebook.
The dispute was over email exports and imports, which started with Facebook refusing users the ability to export their contact and friends data using Gmail. Google retaliated by banning Facebook from importing its users’ email contacts. 
However Facebook responded by establishing and letting their users know of a method to add their Gmail contact, which consist of by saving the email addresses on user’s hard drives first
This fight between the two rivals have apparently cross over from online to offline. Facebook apparently has been reported offering deals to Google’s Engineers to leave the organisation. Additionally, other reports surrounding Google 10% pay rise to its employee has been implying that in fact this was due to hold on to its engineers affected by Facebook’s offer.
Currently rumours surround the industry on Facebook’s response to Google’s latter action. Facebook has since then sent out an invitation about a special event in San Francisco which it will host. 
The rumours, originating from this announcement, suggest that Facebook is planning to unveil a new messaging system to challenge Gmail in retaliation.
This new venture, which apparently is codenamed ‘Project Titan’ and referred to a ‘Gmail killer’, is suspected to capably over take the email market, surpassing not only Gmail, but also AOL, Hotmail and Yahoo. This is believed to be possible due to Facebook’s 500 million-strong user base.
Currently the most powerful brand in the email market is Microsoft’s Hotmail/Windows Live with 361.7 million users, followed by Yahoo’s 273.1 million users and then Gmail with 193.3 million.
Although this is buzz is still referred to as a rumour, and Facebook has not made any comment surrounding this, some believe that Facebook’s wealth of information on its users would be their irresistible proposition in offering their email services.
However, it is still unbeknownst to the availability and limitation of this service, if introduced that is. For instance, it is unsure if the email service would available to only Facebook Users.
Here at Pipon, we believe in love not war, however if this rumour surrounding a new email service by Facebook shade any truth, then the industry should witness a major shifts from Google, Yahoo & Microsoft’s Hotmail.
The reason being, Facebook already holds a strong fan based and user based, and introducing a new mail service would be easily transit their success over to the new market.
Would you still use your Hotmail/Yahoo/Gmail, if you could have an email address integrated with your Facebook profile?

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