Friday 19 November 2010

Google Preview Through The Looking Glass

Google’s last search feature, Google Instant, created a big commotion in its introduction within the search marketing industry, with numerous internet marketers dubbing it the SEO killer. However, Google recently has taken a further step in developing its search engine by creating a new search feature, ‘Google Instant Preview’.
This new feature works within the same conceptual approach as their previous search feature, which is to produce a search query’s result faster and easier.
Google Instant works by producing results as a user key in their search query, on the other hand, Google Instant Preview works by illustrating a preview of the website to the user whilst they skim through the search results.
The new feature is activated, once a user clicks the magnifying glass icon placed beside any organic results. Once activated the user would only have to scroll through all results and each will produce a preview of the site. Additionally, the preview also features a passage from the website, such as a quote. However it is unclear whether this feature is limited to only certain site.
Google mentioned on the blog the three beneficial points this new feature will provides to users;
  • Quickly compare results - A visual comparison of search results helps you pick the one that’s right for you. Quickly flip through previews to see which page looks best.
  • Pinpoint relevant content - Text call outs, in orange, will sometimes highlight where your search terms appear on the webpage so you can evaluate if it’s what you're looking for.
  • Interact with the results page - Page previews let you see the layout of a webpage before clicking the search result. Looking for a chart, picture, map or list? See if you can spot one in the preview.
Google also mentioned that they are aware of the new features limitation and issues, which they made a statement declaring that it just temporary and would be resolved soon; “ Currently, some videos or Flash content in previews appear as a “puzzle piece” icon or a black square. We’re working on rendering these rich content types accurately. So we hope webmasters aren’t rushing to get rid of Flash – this is temporary!”
Here Pipon, we like the new feature, it gives the search engine a little bit more flare and personality. As user this tool is fascinating, it helps find specific sites faster, and avoid certain sites.The feature de-masked those sites hiding behind clever URL to attract traffic, as an SEO marketer, this feature just enhance the importance of well-designed landing pages as this would certainly affect those seeking traffics with a core keyword focus.
We notice that although its effect on the natural results is beneficial, it is the complete opposite to paid search as it hides ad text. A comment made by SEL (Search Engine Land) suggest that it doesn't affect paid results because if a user " decides they want to focus on editorial results, they're already ignoring the ads". Here at Pipon we disagree with that notion, the reason being is the instant preview clearly appears in front of ad text, which should clearly affect the CTR, and therefore the paid results.

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