Wednesday 17 November 2010

'Topics' Makes YouTube Search Smarter

Last week, the industry witnessed YouTube trialling a new search feature on TestTube, a YouTube platform used as a testing ground for all their “recipes and concoctions that aren't quite fully baked”.
The latest trial feature, Topics, produces search results through an algorithm descriptively similar to video tags, comments, viewing patterns and shares.
The new feature works by using generic keywords inserted by a user, which then follows on to search videos related to the topics of the keyword with potential interest to the users. It is also capable of retrieving the exact video a user is searching or possibly a video of interest to a user that he/she didn't know they were seeking.
The concept behind this new feature was to keep YouTube users on the site longer, as the current time a user spends on the site has been reported at 15 minutes a day by the BBC; watching content and videos inclusive of ads on the platform.
Regardless, YouTube continues to witness growth within its platform. It just recently announced a significance increase in its uploads, which is more than 35 hours of video per minute on the site.
Here at Pipon, this new feature raises the importance of the social media marketing. Utilising video as a social media marketing tool can produce significant results to a well strategized and this new feature could potentially expand a campaign’s audience. However this would require is severe and specific video optimisation. 
We recommend trying the new feature, as it produces very interesting results.

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