Wednesday 4 May 2011

What Google says about remarketing

Remarketing is one of Google’s many innovations to help you direct your Ads to the right people.  It is a feature of interest-based Advertising available in the Audiences tab. Remarketing allows you to reach those end users who visited sections on your website. You can then show users relevant Ads as they browse websites across the Google Display Network.
Although remarketing is a strategy that could be used by all advertisers, regardless of the focus of your campaign or Ad format, it is especially suited to Search Advertisers to create an Integrated Campaign Strategy. After driving traffic to their websites with search ads, they may then remarket to those end users by showing them tailored ads on sites throughout the Google Display Network.
Remarketing has become increasingly popular amongst Advertisers, growing at an average 113% per quarter, every quarter after launch. Case studies have shown companies increasing conversion rates by as much as 600 % and sales by as much as 20%.
Google has worked to boost performance with three key enhancement measures. First, it now enables you to show a relevant ad right after a potential customer leaves your site, when the internal analysis shows he/she is most likely to click. Second, improved algorithm helps determine how much you should pay for each impression in order to maximize the possibility that a user will click on your ad. Finally, the growing reach of the Google Display Network means you can reach your customers on a vast array of websites across the web. 
Case studies across Publishers have shown a significant increase in revenues (by showing remarketing Ads on their sites), by as much as 200%. End users have reported that they enjoy the more targeted ad experience that remarketing provides.
In the coming months, Google plans to introduce a suite of new features that will make remarketing even smarter and dynamic. Watch this space as we track changes that define the digital marketing world.

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