Thursday 19 May 2011

Tips to help you run your Adwords campaign better

As an advertiser for a small/medium sized company, you would probably be aware by now that the online space provides the best possibilities for you to compete with larger companies and their big budgets for advertising space. This has been made possible through the Quality Score (a number between 1 and 10 reflecting whether Google thinks its users will like your ad and whether it is relevant to their search terms and the web page it links to). The Quality Score determines how high your ad will rank in an auction. A higher Quality Score will help you compete with and outrank competitors (with higher bids). We’ve put together some valuable tips and suggestions to help you better your Quality Score.

·        If users don’t click on an Ad, don’t run it: CTR (Click-through rates) is one of the most important elements of the Quality Score. A low CTR could mean that particular Ad could be more expensive to run.

·        Eliminate keywords that don’t work: Avoid generic keywords since larger competitors may outbid you for higher ranks on those keywords.

·        Improve the ‘About us’ section: Google lays emphasis on a well written ‘About us’ section that underlines all important aspects of your company. If you require end users to fill up email addresses on forms, Google prefers to see a good privacy policy and a no-spam policy in place.

·        Keyword management is important: Lumping all your keywords and phrases into one group of ads is not the most efficient way of running your campaign.

·        Content is king: The age-old cliché ‘Content is king’ still stands good today in the world of Adwords management. Having unique quality content on your landing page is very important from the Quality Score point of view. Google will penalise you for duplicate content if you copy and paste content from other websites.

·        Page loading times are important: You will likely see an improvement in your Quality Score if your page loads quickly. Therefore, change the hosting company or work on the page graphics to ensure the page load times are quick.

·       Place navigation options on your landing page: Apart from a call to action (such as sign up, click to buy, etc), Google wants end users to have a wide array of choices. Having a menu of navigation options on your landing page will improve your Quality Score.
Join Pipon Solutions in our endeavour to understand the online marketing space better.

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