Thursday 19 May 2011

Microsoft teams up with RIM to make Bing the default search engine on Blackberry

On Tuesday, Microsoft’s CEO Steve Ballmer announced that Bing will become the default search engine and mapping application on Research In Motion's (RIM) BlackBerry platform. Microsoft and Bing will jointly market and promote their offerings together.
Although Microsoft’s move comes in the wake of Blackberry’s declining market share, it would still hope to challenge the search engine giant Google. As a step in this regard, Microsoft has added improved search features, stepped up the marketing campaigns of Bing and teamed up with former rival Yahoo to better its position.
Bing’s very own blog explains the deal in detail:#

“Central to this collaboration, Blackberry devices will use Bing as the preferred search provider in the browser, and Bing will be the default search and map application for new devices presented to mobile operators, both in the United States and internationally.  Also, effective today Bing will be the preferred search and maps applications with regular, featured placement and promotion in the BlackBerry App World carousel.
Bing is also now shipping as the default search experience, and map app, for the newly released BlackBerry Playbook. Together, we’ll also market and promote the strength of our joint offerings as “Making better decisions with Bing on BlackBerry.”

The news, however, follows lacklustre reviews of RIM’s Playbook, a tablet that aims to challenge the Apple iPad. The company’s decision to ship the device despite the lack of certain functions (such as native email or calendar applications), was severely critisicised by some analysts.
Microsoft’s Windows phone 7 partnership with Nokia in February also includes a deal to provide Bing search services across all Nokia devices. Analysts read the recent developments as Microsoft’s attempts to compete on some levels with Google, since Nokia is also a major player in the smartphone market.
A video demonstrating the use of Bing on a Blackberry device may be found here. Pipon Solutions welcomes your views on these recent developments.

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