Tuesday 3 May 2011

Google algorithm integrates user feedback

When browsing through many search engine optimisation guides, the daily buzzword seems to be “Panda.” Or, if you prefer, “Farmer” – since the two terms both describe the major Google algorithm that was implemented to fight off spam. While everyone is keen to uncover how to avoid being flagged as a spam site, another major element of SEO has just been made official: user feedback is a recognised signal in Google’s search algorithm.

This isn’t exactly unexpected. Google representatives have been saying for a few months that user feedback, including on social networks, would be examined for its potential uses in search. Additionally, the Google “+1″ button released serves an almost identical function by allowing users to state, clearly and simply, which sites they like. Furthermore, Google’s “block site” feature allows users to point out pages that seem feature allows users to point out pages that seem to be spam.

Each of these services had a capricious impact on SEO. The +1 or promoted social search features, for example, certainly did impact the results your connected friends saw – but did it impact the site’s rank overall? Would it with enough +1s or other promotions? Similarly, while the “block site” feature didn’t originally impact search directly, how would that data be used?
A statement in the global rollout of Panda stated: “We’ve also incorporated new user feedback signals to help people find better search results.” Of course, exactly how much will be impacted by these signals, how quickly shady optimisers will start trying to game this feedback, and what precautions Google is taking against false positives in feedback are all still very much a mystery. 

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