Tuesday 24 May 2011

Google introduces Instant Previews on paid search

Last year Google took instant search to a new level by introducing ‘Instant Previews’. Instant Previews provide end users a graphic overview of a website (search result) and highlight the most relevant sections. The end user simply clicks on a magnifying glass icon next to the listing they wish to see. A small preview of the website pops up into a frame, highlighting the most relevant sections, allowing the end user to preview the website without leaving the Search Engine Results Page (SERP), thus making finding the right web page easier and the whole process more efficient.

Last week, Google brought in the ‘Instant Preview’ feature on paid search as well. So how will this feature affect the way buyers search on Google?

The end user will definitely save a lot of his/her time by clicking on the magnifying glass icon. He/she will be able to quickly glance through the sponsored search results to gain a better understanding of those featured links. The advertiser, on the other hand, will benefit from more qualified traffic and decreased costs. How is that possible? Well, since the preview allows the end user to research a bit more about the page he/she is about to view, they are more likely to click on those links that are relevant and present exactly what is being searched for. On the downside, the clunky preview frame could take up a lot of screen space. Laptops/desktops with smaller screens may present difficulties to the end user trying to see the Instant Previews. Advertisers also need to be a lot more careful about their landing pages, since landing pages determine what the end user sees when he/she clicks on the magnifying glass icon. Both CPA (cost per acquisition) and CTR (Click through rates) should see a dip. Conversions will probably see a boost. Hence, Advertisers should examine their preview pages, investigating whether their preview pages are being shown correctly. Eye catching images could be used on landing pages to entice end users to click on the link. The performance metrics might not change by much for branded keywords as for competitive generic keywords. This is because end users searching for specific brands are more likely to be sure of what they want and less likely to engage in research.

Join Pipon Solutions in debating how instant previews are going to change paid search management.

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