Friday 27 May 2011

Mobile SEO – Essential Tips and Techniques

Mobile SEO – Essential Tips and Techniques

As technology advances, we are all beginning to use our smartphones and tablets more and more whilst on the move.  From finding out directions to the nearest sushi restaurant to settling debates in the pub over which premiership footballer has scored the most goals, our smartphones and tablets have become essential Internet surfing tools that we rely on in our everyday lives. 

Thankfully, the majority of the most used sites on the web have mobile versions of their pages, which mean that we do not have to strain our eyes to read content.  A large number of businesses, however, are not maintaining multiple mobile versions of their site due to a lack of resources, time or effort.  The results of this are simple – mobile web presence will not be optimized and businesses will fail to benefit from the increased mobile usage of the web. 

There are a few cost-effective techniques that a business can do to ensure that they are not missing out on mobile opportunities.  The most important thing to consider is website analysis.  Scrutinizing the available data on mobile usage of your site in order to assess where resources should be spent is imperative for mobile website optimization.  Using tools within Google Analytics, for example, an SEO can look at the behavior of the mobile users of a site, identifying the keywords that mobile users are using (which are often different to desktop users), the landing pages that mobile users are visiting the most and the different devices that are visiting your site.   With such data we can optimize specific pages rather than an entire site, focus on different keywords for mobile pages and also assess whether certain devices (such as Blackberries) are experiencing problems on a site. 

Secondly, it is important to think local when optimizing your site for mobile usage.  According to a recent Google study over 90% of mobile searchers are looking for local information, such as local contact information, phone numbers or directions.  These are therefore the areas of your site that you should ensure work well on mobile devices.  Using third-party applications, such as Google Map and Google Places, can really help in this field. 

Lastly, utilizing social media is essential if you want to optimize your mobile web presence.  Due to the increased popularity of social media apps more and more people are accessing sites such as Facebook and Twitter on their phones and tablets.  If your content is being shared on social media sites then you are therefore more likely to get referral visits from them.  Increasing your social media activity and making your online content easy to share, through having social media widgets on your landing pages, will go a long way in increasing the amount of traffic to your site from mobile social media users.

It is important to note that these techniques are cost effective, yet time consuming activities.  Using digital marketers to achieve these objectives may therefore make such work a lot easier.  For more information on how Pipon can help on this front, please visit our website or contact us for further advice.  In the meantime, visit your website on your mobile device and assess the experience. Remember, as technology on this front advances it is key for your business and site to keep on top of developments and ensure that your are not missing out on endless mobile opportunities. 

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Zynga preparing to file IPO

Zynga Inc, the biggest maker of games on Facebook, is preparing to file for its Initial Public Offer (IPO) by the end of June. Zynga wants to make use of the current hype surrounding shares of social media companies. Executives have already met officials at Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs and are finalising regulatory filings. Social media firms are lining up for IPOs after shares of Linkedin more than doubled in its public debut a week ago. Shares of Yandex, Russia’s most popular search provider, surged by as much as 55% recently.

At a $ 8.2 billion valuation on Sharespost Inc., Zynga already tops EA (Electronic Arts), which is valued at $ 7.7 billion on the Nasdaq Stock Market. Zynga has 248 million monthly active users on Facebook and owns three of the four most popular apps on the site - “CityVille,” “FarmVille” and “Texas HoldEm Poker.” Zynga’s top game, CityVille, boasts 90 million monthly active users, while the company’s other hit FarmVille has around 45 million monthly users. Its original poker game still manages to attract around 35 million users every month. These games are free to play, but the company makes money by selling virtual goods within the apps and letting users pay to reach higher levels. The company makes handsome amounts of money every year –$400 million in profits out of total revenues of $850 million.  The company has also puffed up its manpower forces, employing more than 800 people last year,  thus increasing its full time employee count to 1500 in offices spanning over 13 countries.

The social media scene is simmering with activity with Linkedin filing for an IPO and others such as Facebook, Groupon and Twitter expected to go public in the coming months. Financial analysts are divided over whether social media stocks are being overvalued, just as internet companies were during the dot com boom in the late 1990s. 

What do you think of these recent developments in the social media world?  Join the discussion and read some of our previous posts on the topic, visit us at Pipon Solutions or contact us for more insight and information on social media engagement.  

Facebook to Pay Users to Watch Ads

Last week Facebook launched a new platform that will reward users to watch certain advertisements on their site.  In order to improve the click-through rate for ads that appear on Facebook, the social networking site will actually pay Facebook users, in the form of Facebook credits, to watch the ads.

In what is predicted to become a major opportunity for advertisers to reach more users of the social media site, the introduction means that each of the selected ads watched would give the user one credit, which is equivalent to 10 cents.  Although earlier these credits could only be used to buy virtual goods, such as online games, users will now be able to redeem these credits in order to purchase goods from the real world. 

This breakthrough in social media engagement could only be made possible by an agreement between Facebook and game publishers such as CrowdStar and Zynga.  It has been reported that others, such as Sharethrough and Epic Media, will also be following suit.  A similar deal is also being forged with TrialPay, which will provide additional analytics for advertisers. 

The introduction of the scheme has had analysts at Pipon wondering what this will mean for the future of social media marketing.  Many people find online ads that are played against their will an annoying distraction – yet if users are rewarded to watch the ad they may pay more attention. 

Along with seeing what effect this will have on the click-through rate of ads on Facebook, it will also be interesting to where Facebook takes this idea.  Due to the game publishers that have signed up, it is clear that Facebook are currently targeting the online gaming community, who are more focused on interactive media and therefore less likely to click away from ads that could reward them with more games.  However the potential for this to expand into other industries, such as retail or music entertainment, are easy to see. 

As ever, you can join discussions on this topic on our blog.  What do you think of the idea?  Is this the future of social media marketing or is Facebook making a mistake?  

Tuesday 24 May 2011

The Importance of Link Building

Link building remains one of the most essential components of a successful SEO campaign.  However well structured, informative and optimized a website is, it would still remain an arduous task to run an effective SEO campaign for that site if it did contain any quality, relevant links.

There are three main reasons as to why link building is so important for an SEO campaign. 

Link building firstly increases traffic through creating directions to your website that are highly valuable, not only for visitors to find your site, but also for the search engine spiders that are dependent on links to locate relevant websites on the net.  Internet users follow links like cars follow road signs, and the more ‘road signs’ you have directing people to your site destination the more traffic you will receive.  Furthermore, search engines care as much about what other people say about your site as the actual content on the site, therefore good quality links from relevant websites inform the search engine that your site is reliable, relevant and most importantly, popular. 

Secondly, links prove relevancy.  Possessing a large number of quality links means that your site is seen as relevant within the industry that you specify in. Relevancy is constantly a term that search engines use when giving advice on the latest updates to their algorithms. 

Lastly, incoming links indicate that your site offers quality content that would be highly relevant to a search.  It is for this reason, therefore, that Google gives PageRank on the basis of links that are relevant. 

Despite this importance, link building remains one of the most difficult tasks of an SEO campaign.  Over the next few days I will be looking at some key tips for successful link building, such as how to approach a site for a link and getting natural links. 

If you cannot wait, however, then contact Pipon Solutions for more information on implementing successful link building strategies and thereby running an effective SEO campaign.  

Google introduces Instant Previews on paid search

Last year Google took instant search to a new level by introducing ‘Instant Previews’. Instant Previews provide end users a graphic overview of a website (search result) and highlight the most relevant sections. The end user simply clicks on a magnifying glass icon next to the listing they wish to see. A small preview of the website pops up into a frame, highlighting the most relevant sections, allowing the end user to preview the website without leaving the Search Engine Results Page (SERP), thus making finding the right web page easier and the whole process more efficient.

Last week, Google brought in the ‘Instant Preview’ feature on paid search as well. So how will this feature affect the way buyers search on Google?

The end user will definitely save a lot of his/her time by clicking on the magnifying glass icon. He/she will be able to quickly glance through the sponsored search results to gain a better understanding of those featured links. The advertiser, on the other hand, will benefit from more qualified traffic and decreased costs. How is that possible? Well, since the preview allows the end user to research a bit more about the page he/she is about to view, they are more likely to click on those links that are relevant and present exactly what is being searched for. On the downside, the clunky preview frame could take up a lot of screen space. Laptops/desktops with smaller screens may present difficulties to the end user trying to see the Instant Previews. Advertisers also need to be a lot more careful about their landing pages, since landing pages determine what the end user sees when he/she clicks on the magnifying glass icon. Both CPA (cost per acquisition) and CTR (Click through rates) should see a dip. Conversions will probably see a boost. Hence, Advertisers should examine their preview pages, investigating whether their preview pages are being shown correctly. Eye catching images could be used on landing pages to entice end users to click on the link. The performance metrics might not change by much for branded keywords as for competitive generic keywords. This is because end users searching for specific brands are more likely to be sure of what they want and less likely to engage in research.

Join Pipon Solutions in debating how instant previews are going to change paid search management.

Thursday 19 May 2011

Microsoft teams up with RIM to make Bing the default search engine on Blackberry

On Tuesday, Microsoft’s CEO Steve Ballmer announced that Bing will become the default search engine and mapping application on Research In Motion's (RIM) BlackBerry platform. Microsoft and Bing will jointly market and promote their offerings together.
Although Microsoft’s move comes in the wake of Blackberry’s declining market share, it would still hope to challenge the search engine giant Google. As a step in this regard, Microsoft has added improved search features, stepped up the marketing campaigns of Bing and teamed up with former rival Yahoo to better its position.
Bing’s very own blog explains the deal in detail:#

“Central to this collaboration, Blackberry devices will use Bing as the preferred search provider in the browser, and Bing will be the default search and map application for new devices presented to mobile operators, both in the United States and internationally.  Also, effective today Bing will be the preferred search and maps applications with regular, featured placement and promotion in the BlackBerry App World carousel.
Bing is also now shipping as the default search experience, and map app, for the newly released BlackBerry Playbook. Together, we’ll also market and promote the strength of our joint offerings as “Making better decisions with Bing on BlackBerry.”

The news, however, follows lacklustre reviews of RIM’s Playbook, a tablet that aims to challenge the Apple iPad. The company’s decision to ship the device despite the lack of certain functions (such as native email or calendar applications), was severely critisicised by some analysts.
Microsoft’s Windows phone 7 partnership with Nokia in February also includes a deal to provide Bing search services across all Nokia devices. Analysts read the recent developments as Microsoft’s attempts to compete on some levels with Google, since Nokia is also a major player in the smartphone market.
A video demonstrating the use of Bing on a Blackberry device may be found here. Pipon Solutions welcomes your views on these recent developments.

Tips to help you run your Adwords campaign better

As an advertiser for a small/medium sized company, you would probably be aware by now that the online space provides the best possibilities for you to compete with larger companies and their big budgets for advertising space. This has been made possible through the Quality Score (a number between 1 and 10 reflecting whether Google thinks its users will like your ad and whether it is relevant to their search terms and the web page it links to). The Quality Score determines how high your ad will rank in an auction. A higher Quality Score will help you compete with and outrank competitors (with higher bids). We’ve put together some valuable tips and suggestions to help you better your Quality Score.

·        If users don’t click on an Ad, don’t run it: CTR (Click-through rates) is one of the most important elements of the Quality Score. A low CTR could mean that particular Ad could be more expensive to run.

·        Eliminate keywords that don’t work: Avoid generic keywords since larger competitors may outbid you for higher ranks on those keywords.

·        Improve the ‘About us’ section: Google lays emphasis on a well written ‘About us’ section that underlines all important aspects of your company. If you require end users to fill up email addresses on forms, Google prefers to see a good privacy policy and a no-spam policy in place.

·        Keyword management is important: Lumping all your keywords and phrases into one group of ads is not the most efficient way of running your campaign.

·        Content is king: The age-old cliché ‘Content is king’ still stands good today in the world of Adwords management. Having unique quality content on your landing page is very important from the Quality Score point of view. Google will penalise you for duplicate content if you copy and paste content from other websites.

·        Page loading times are important: You will likely see an improvement in your Quality Score if your page loads quickly. Therefore, change the hosting company or work on the page graphics to ensure the page load times are quick.

·       Place navigation options on your landing page: Apart from a call to action (such as sign up, click to buy, etc), Google wants end users to have a wide array of choices. Having a menu of navigation options on your landing page will improve your Quality Score.
Join Pipon Solutions in our endeavour to understand the online marketing space better.

How Microsoft’s acquisition of Skype could change the internet landscape

Microsoft has announced its acquisition of Skype under a definitive agreement wherein Microsoft will pay $ 8.5 billion in cash for the company. The agreement has been approved by the boards of directors of both Microsoft and Skype. Skype will presumably become a business division within Microsoft, and Skype CEO Tony Bates will assume the title of president of the Microsoft Skype Division, reporting directly to Ballmer, Microsoft’s website states. The report further announces:

Skype will support Microsoft devices like Xbox and Kinect, Windows Phone and a wide array of Windows devices, and Microsoft will connect Skype users with Lync, Outlook, Xbox Live and other communities. Microsoft will continue to invest in and support Skype clients on non-Microsoft platforms.
At Pipon Solutions, we’ve been trying to figure out how the deal could affect the web world. Some of the key ways by which we think Microsoft will try to use Skype to its competitive advantage are:
  • ·         Integrating Skype into its enterprise products – voice, video, etc
  • ·         Integrating Skype into Bing and Bing mobile search
  • ·         Integrating Skype into Windows based phones for video chat and alternative voice calling over high speed networks
  • ·         Bundling Skype into Xbox/Kinect for video calling
  • ·         Giving special access to Facebook on Skype
  • ·         Integrating online advertising into Skype’s services
  • ·         With Skype, Microsoft will have a major say and could be the trendsetter in the video conferencing industry
  • ·         Microsoft also gets Skype CEO Tony Bates, who will come in handy in the communications wars
  • ·         Skype has lots of relationships with small and medium enterprises that will complement Microsoft’s wares
  • ·         An answer to Apple’s Facetime – Microsoft could bundle Skype with Windows to compete against Macs and Macbooks using Facetime
  • ·         Finally (and most importantly), Microsoft’s acquisition of Skype means Google won’t get it!

Got any more points to share with us? Your comments are welcome!

The New Google Ranking Factor – High Quality Websites

Ever since Google’s Panda update, we at Pipon and other Search Engine Optimisers have spent a large amount of time attempting to understand what had changed in regards to the ranking factors that determined organic rankings.

On Friday, Google attempted to give many of us guidance by acknowledging that their recent updates were focused on user experience.  With this in mind, Google also released some advice on building high quality sites through their blog.  This advice is crucial in understanding how the new updates affect your website and is the main important tips are summarized in the four key points below:

1)   Build trust with your site users – trust can be measured by the links awarded to the site, with the more authoritative links making the site more trustworthy.  Coincidentally, the site itself can impact on it’s own trustworthiness by ensuring that it does not link to low quality or penalized sites, since that would also decrease trust and render it a low quality site.  If high quality incoming links are not available, then a solution could be to analyse and optimize the site’s social media presence.  Is the site being talked about on twitter or Facebook?  How authoritative are the users sharing these links?  Addressing all these factors will have an impact on the trust of your site and the quality. 

2)   Improve the content of the site – With the new update, Google is now not only concerned with detecting pages with no unique or original content – but will now algorithmically detect how deep the content of a page goes in covering a subject.  If the site is seen as providing a comprehensive description of the topic at hand it is more likely to achieve status as a high quality site. Original content or information is thus crucial – if your website regurgitates what hundreds of other people have already said then it would be a difficult task getting it to rank.  A high quality website will therefore add a thoughtful and unique angle to a topic.

3)   Clean the site of redundant, duplicate or overlapping pages – redundant pages may refer to pages that are buried very deeply within your site but have not acquired any external links whatsoever.  If your domain has a large amount of this type of content, with a higher number of old pages with no links compared to pages with links, then your site would have definitely been at risk from the Panda update. 

4)   Do the pages have spelling, stylistic or factual errors? – Bad grammar definitely does not generate a good user experience and it is also easy to detect for search engines.  Improving the grammar on your site and making content easy to read is therefore another tool in improving site quality. 

It is safe to say that the Panda update will have the SEO industry analyzing its effects for a while to come.  What we do know, however, is that the quality of a website is now as important as ever.  Following these tips will help, however if you have any more questions on website development or SEO optimization please contact Pipon Solutions

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Not Quite the End of Email

Back in February, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerburg announced amidst great fanfare that Facebook was to launch an email service that was to spell the end of email, arguing that young people saw emails as ‘too formal’ and a ‘cognitive load’.

The new feature, called ‘Messages’, allows users to correspond with their friends through a variety of various channels such as email, chat, SMS and instant messaging.  Through the integrated service all channels come into one ‘feed’ and users are able to respond in any way they want. 

According to a recent study by Which? Computing, however, this new email service is far behind its competitors.  According to Sarah Kidner, editor of the consumer magazine, Facebook’s email service was found to be ‘very basic, lack(ed) features and fell far short of its competitors’. 

The study looked at the seven major email providers and scored them based on a set of criteria, including how they dealt with features such as attachments and multiple conversations.  Of the seven providers, Windows Live Hotmail (83%) scored the highest, with Google’s Gmail (69%) coming second.  Facebook (48%), however, came in second from bottom and was only spared the embarrassment of last place by Hushmail (40%), which was rated the worst. 

Facebook has reacted to this study by arguing that Facebook ‘Messages’ was ‘not email’ and that its main focus is on creating an integrated, simple and fast experience for users to communicate with each other.  Despite Facebook’s protests, however, the ‘Messages’ feature was seen as a direct challenge to Google when it was launched and was perceived to be a major tool in the ongoing battle between the two Internet giants over gaining users. 

Although the verdict on Facebook ‘Messages’ is quite damning, it is also important to note that the service is still relatively new and that any glitches and problems with it can be fixed in the near future. 

As a Facebook user, have you signed up to the ‘Messages’ feature?  And if you have, how have you found it?  Join the debate at Pipon Solutions

Measuring Page Load Time with Google Analytics

Here at Pipon, we have long been emphasizing the crucial importance of improving the speed performance of a website for search engine optimization purposes.  Ever since Google announced in April 2010 that site speed was to be used as a ranking signal, improving it has become one of the most important tasks for Internet marketing strategists.

The main reason behind this is clear. Internet users and search engines alike place great prominence on speed and various research on this has indicated that speed is a major factor in achieving high conversion rates on your site since users are more likely to want to spend more time there. 

Improving and analyzing the performance of your pages for SEO has been, however, a challenging task.  Measuring and diagnosing the speed of a page has always been difficult and even with such measurements one has to also look at page speed in the context of other web analytics data. 

With this in mind, Google has recently announced a ‘Site Speed’ report in the new ‘Google Analytics platform’ that allows you to measure page load time easily across your site.  The ‘Site Speed Report’ will allow users to track which landing pages are the slowest, see which campaigns correspond to faster page loads overall, analyze how page load time varies across regions and countries and also discover whether a site loads faster or slower for different browsers. 

For example, through the ‘Site Speed Report’ you may learn that the target audience of your site is located in a particular geographic region that experiences slower page speed. Such information is clearly crucial not only for SEO but also to ensure a high ROI for your site.  Through addressing this problem you can guarantee that your landing page quality does not affect your ranking in a search engine and also make sure that your targeted audience have a fast surfing experience on your site. 

It is clear therefore that the development of the ‘Site Speed Report’ is great news.  You will now be able to quickly and easily monitor a site’s performance and how it impacts the metrics of your website. 

For more information about site speed and search engine optimization please visit our website at

Monday 16 May 2011

LinkedIn to Float on the Stock Exchange

LinkedIn, the social media network for business professionals, is to become the first major western social network to go public after announcing that it was to float on the New York stock exchange with an offer that could value the company at more than $3bn. 

In just over nine years LinkedIn has become the equivalent of Facebook for business professionals, gaining over 100 million users in that time.  The social media network has also been increasingly profitable since its inception, turning over a profit of $15.4m on revenues of $243m in 2010. 

Due to the business focus of LinkedIn members, along with their professional influence, the network has become potentially more valuable to advertisers than other social media networks such as Facebook. Advertising revenue for the network has remained solid over the past year, contributing to 32% of overall revenue.  Unlike Facebook, which is totally free, LinkedIn operates under a model in which it offers premium services to paying customers whilst basic services and registration are free.

The floatation announcement is likely to start a social media gold rush as 7.8m shares, priced at between $32 and $35, are made available. More than half on offer are new shares, which the company states will be used to expand the business, possibly through acquisitions.

With this announcement it is becoming increasingly clear that investments in social media platforms are likely to increase, rather than slow down, over the coming years.  Other social networking sites, including Skype and Facebook, are also expected to draw in large amounts of money by going public in the next year. 

As LinkedIn continues to grow, therefore, it is imperative that businesses and professionals take advantage of its’ services and benefits.  Setting up an account with LinkedIn is easy, however maintaining the account and utilizing it for business purposes can be tricky.  For advice on using LinkedIn for your business, or for more general advice about using social media, please feel free to visit the Pipon Solutions website or contact us directly

Monday 9 May 2011

Shopping With Facebook

On Tuesday 3rd May Express, the American fashion retailer headquartered in Ohio and New York, became one of the first major US fashion retailers to sell their entire catalogue on Facebook. 

Following in the footsteps of UK retailers ASOS and Young British Designs, Express have now made it possible for customers to browse and purchase their products through their Facebook page.  The Express inventory, pricing, wish lists and comments are all synced across Express’s other web and mobile sites in order to create a streamlined shopping experience across all platforms. 

Ultimately, the Facebook feature is designed to make shopping for customers as personal as possible and once again highlights the benefits in using social media to advertise products and connect with customer base. 

Through the Express Facebook page customers are able to “like” different products, post comments and recommendations on items of clothing that they like or dislike and post their purchases on their Facebook walls, thus informing all of their friends about their shopping activity.  Users are able to access all of these functions without having to even “like” the Express page in the first page, therefore making it accessible to all Facebook users.

Although initial feedback on the functionality of the Facebook page remains mixed, with some users commenting negatively on the layout and description of the products, it is safe to say that Express and ASOS will not be the only major retailers using social media platforms such as Facebook to directly sell their products. 

It is therefore as important as ever that companies begin to use social media sites such as Facebook to connect with their customers, not only to advertise and market their brand or products but to also directly sell them. 

For more information about the benefits of social media please visit Pipon's website at  

Wednesday 4 May 2011

What Google says about remarketing

Remarketing is one of Google’s many innovations to help you direct your Ads to the right people.  It is a feature of interest-based Advertising available in the Audiences tab. Remarketing allows you to reach those end users who visited sections on your website. You can then show users relevant Ads as they browse websites across the Google Display Network.
Although remarketing is a strategy that could be used by all advertisers, regardless of the focus of your campaign or Ad format, it is especially suited to Search Advertisers to create an Integrated Campaign Strategy. After driving traffic to their websites with search ads, they may then remarket to those end users by showing them tailored ads on sites throughout the Google Display Network.
Remarketing has become increasingly popular amongst Advertisers, growing at an average 113% per quarter, every quarter after launch. Case studies have shown companies increasing conversion rates by as much as 600 % and sales by as much as 20%.
Google has worked to boost performance with three key enhancement measures. First, it now enables you to show a relevant ad right after a potential customer leaves your site, when the internal analysis shows he/she is most likely to click. Second, improved algorithm helps determine how much you should pay for each impression in order to maximize the possibility that a user will click on your ad. Finally, the growing reach of the Google Display Network means you can reach your customers on a vast array of websites across the web. 
Case studies across Publishers have shown a significant increase in revenues (by showing remarketing Ads on their sites), by as much as 200%. End users have reported that they enjoy the more targeted ad experience that remarketing provides.
In the coming months, Google plans to introduce a suite of new features that will make remarketing even smarter and dynamic. Watch this space as we track changes that define the digital marketing world.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Google algorithm integrates user feedback

When browsing through many search engine optimisation guides, the daily buzzword seems to be “Panda.” Or, if you prefer, “Farmer” – since the two terms both describe the major Google algorithm that was implemented to fight off spam. While everyone is keen to uncover how to avoid being flagged as a spam site, another major element of SEO has just been made official: user feedback is a recognised signal in Google’s search algorithm.

This isn’t exactly unexpected. Google representatives have been saying for a few months that user feedback, including on social networks, would be examined for its potential uses in search. Additionally, the Google “+1″ button released serves an almost identical function by allowing users to state, clearly and simply, which sites they like. Furthermore, Google’s “block site” feature allows users to point out pages that seem feature allows users to point out pages that seem to be spam.

Each of these services had a capricious impact on SEO. The +1 or promoted social search features, for example, certainly did impact the results your connected friends saw – but did it impact the site’s rank overall? Would it with enough +1s or other promotions? Similarly, while the “block site” feature didn’t originally impact search directly, how would that data be used?
A statement in the global rollout of Panda stated: “We’ve also incorporated new user feedback signals to help people find better search results.” Of course, exactly how much will be impacted by these signals, how quickly shady optimisers will start trying to game this feedback, and what precautions Google is taking against false positives in feedback are all still very much a mystery. 

For further questions on Search Engine Optimisation tips and best practice guidelines, don't hesitate to contact us