Thursday 13 January 2011

MySpace For Sale!

The latest news surrounding MySpace, following previous report of it 47% reduced work forced, are that News Corp. have put the company in the market. 

News Corp., who acquired MySpace for a large sum of $580m (£330m+) back in 2005, is looking for buyer to take the failing social media platforms of their hands. In 2005, MySpace was recognised as the fifth most viewed domain in the US alone.

“News Corp. is assessing a number of possibilities including a sale, a merger and a spinout [sic]. The process has just started" A quote from a MySpace representative support the latest MySpace news.
MySpace could be defined as experiencing a rough patch following the rise of various other social media network platforms such as; Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and others.

Wednesday 12 January 2011

More Than £5m ($8.5m) For

Facebook bought the domain last year for their internal email system. The domain was purchased from American Farm Bureau Federation, an nonprofit organisation, which recently stated to have netted around $8.5m by selling a couple of domains.  

The reason behind the domain acquisition was due to Facebook's latest messaging system, which allows users to send SMS, messages, chat and email from one source using the domains. So Facebook wanted to switch all their internal email system from to 
The domains acquisition has been reported to be 42.5 times more than what Facebook paid for, which was acquired at $200,000.
Here at Pipon, we support domains investment and with various new companies entering the internet market we think this is a good time to look into that.

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Twitter's New Year Hit!

We posted previously in Pipon's Blog on Facebook's shocking stats regarding the new year's pictures uploads, 750 million pics from one location. However, Facebook weren't the only ones to experience remarkable numbers.
Twitter has also experiences a surged in their number of tweets from just one location, Japan. Most originating from twitterers wishing their family, friends and other followers a happy new year.
With the time zone differences, Japan was the first to enter the new year and managed to set a new TPS ( Tweets Per Second) at a near 7000 following the struck of midnight. This new TPS record in Japan beats the last one by almost half the amount, at 3,283 TPS, which occurred during the World Cup when japan won against Denmark.

Pipon Take this opportunity to wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR! or AKEMASHITE OMEDETOU GOZAIMASU!

Monday 10 January 2011

Facebook Shutdown...Just A Rumor Folks!

Yes, you probably heard the latest rumor spreading around the web regarding Facebook shutting down on March, 15th due to, apparently, Mark Zuckerberg's meltdown over the success of the number one social network sites.

Well Pipon can assure you that this rumor is totally and ultimately false, and whoever believed it for a second should learn to double check a statement and its source.

Facebook cannot shutdown for several reasons. One being the amount of shareholders who would not allow it to happen since its valuation of $50 billion. In addition, the source of the rumor is virtually known to spread false rumors such as Aliens invasion and Michelle Obama being pregnant.

Facebook still got some miles on it, so you can keep your cool and help us stop this rumor spreading.

Friday 7 January 2011

TV Listing On Bing

Bing has integrated a TV Listing in search results to increase its necessity with the common users. It explains on a post on the Bing Search Blog, that it is their way of helping users to easily find what's on in their area.

The plan is to cover over 2000 TV Listings, which indicate a large listing data gathered from various cities and regions.

Although a mere integration compare to its competitors and previous integration made by Bing such as the Facebook collaboration, it works by increasing its convenience to users.

It beats wasting money on TV listing magazines and it is also environmental friendly which is a topic we strongly support here at Pipon.

Thursday 6 January 2011

750 Million Facebook Pics Uploaded

Facebook's head of marketing, Randi Zuckerberg, reported via Twitter a surge in Facebook users' activities 750 million pictures were uploaded on Facebook during the New Year weekend from one location, NYE.

This shocking figures and news raises the thought the Facebook's 500m users base must have been exceeded by now. This also can be an interpretation of how lucrative a PPC marketing campaign on the social network site could be. The strong users's activities from just one location illuminates the mass of potential target audience marketers can interact with. 

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Miso Partners With Oprah (OWN)

Miso, the TV Check In app created by  Bazaar Labs, has recently announced their partnership with the Oprah Winfrey Network. The app enables users to check in on the contents their watching to get in return rewards, points and badges. The partnership with the network will benefit its viewers by earning them exclusive badges, once they check in on one of the network's contents.

Miso have created an API to inspire production of mobile application and TV Site, TV manufacturer & set top box integration. OWN are not the only ones or the first to have shown interest in the TV check in company, Google and Hearst Interactive Media have also shown their interests. At the end of 2010, both organisations invested a total of $1.5m (£900,000).

The check in app market is become more competitive and guarantees a following trend in the new year. Apps are considered the new innovative method of marketing, therefore it would be advised by Pipon to consider dabbling in this market as we soon will be ourselves.