Tuesday 28 September 2010

You've Poked me but would you ‘Google Me’?

Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google confirmed plans of Google’s introduction to the social media industry.

The application, which has been internally named 'Google Me' but not yet officially confirmed, will be introduced in parts rather than as a full-on product.

Google will implement the component into most of Google’s main products explained by Schmidt at the Zeitgeist 2010 conference in stating that they will be "trying to take Google's core products and add a social component".
The main Google products expected to be affiliated with this social component are YouTube, Google applications (Gmail, Google reader), and also their newly acquired products such as; Slide, Angstro and ITA.

This unusual method of introduction in the social media industry can be explained by their past attempts and failure to succeed within the market. Orkut and Wave both Google’s social networking; although Google Wave has been cancelled this year due to lack of interest, Orkut is still live with more than 100 million users but only in certain parts of the world, mostly in Brazil and India; with more than 50% of their users being Brazilian and more than 20% being Indian. The US users consist of less than 3%.

Both application were introduced prematurely to the industry and thus inevitably failed to reach their potential success. So it could be comprehensible if Google feel the need to undergo this implementation by taking "baby steps".

The success of this programme can be significant to the marketing world, it will allow marketers to further interact with their target audiences with more diversity and also allow businesses to find alternative means to communicate and brand themselves further.

However, Facebook having more than 500 million users on their site, raises questions on Google's plans to undertake this highly competitive market, based on time or possibility when Social Media users will have to choose between the terms 'Facebook me' or 'Google me'.

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