Wednesday 29 September 2010

Social Media Marketing: Query Meet Tweet while searching

Bing, the search engine by Microsoft and recently ranked second biggest shareholder in its global market surpassing Yahoo, implemented a social tab in their search engine which produces Twitter account of an individual or a business based on a user's search query.

This application was created to enable users such as; fans to find their idols faster. The tab works by producing results of twitter users’ and their comment in connection to the query.
Marketers could benefit from this application as a social media tool to alternatively promote a business, and also to consumers to connect to an organisation better.

However, the application seems to hold some issue concerning its results. The search results only focus on the appearance of the search query on a twitter account. For instance, when searching for Pipon Search Solutions Ltd, the search result produced this statement “We did not find any Social results or links for Pipon Search Solutions Ltd” Although Pipon holds a twitter account, ‘Piponsolutions’, the lack of results is due to the lack of Twitters’ users commenting or twitting about Pipon Search Solutions Ltd

Not being the only ones to notice this glitch, Bing’s Group Program Manager for their social search, Paul Yiu answered a blogger by stating that; “This is more about discovering Twitter users for a given topic. The most immediate answer to a query is still the shared links and the updates/tweets in the middle column. We hope users are delighted when they see they can also check out some people that happen to be in the middle of the conversation”

Although this seem like a significant tool to use while trying to produce a social media report, it defeats the purpose of marketing businesses and brands, in other words if a brand or business does not practice social media marketing this tab will not be productive. From Yiu response, it could be said that Bing created this site mainly from a marketing and promotional aspect to attract more users to their site, instead of the tab being use for marketing purpose by other.

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