Wednesday 29 September 2010

Search Marketing Conference: Ad Tech - A New World

To those of you interested or planning to enter the world of internet marketing, let me give a little incentive of the world I have also just entered as an intern. Being fresh out of university, I've been interning here at Pipon Search Solutions Ltd, a leading internet marketing agency.

One of the places to go to understand and grasp the immenseness of this industry is to attend one of their conferences, such as Ad Tech which is the one I recently went to.

Ad tech is a yearly conference and it takes place in various cities around the world. It is filled with the biggest names in the industry (Google, Facebook, Microsoft), including marketing agencies. It is best described as "an interactive advertising and technology conference and exhibition. Worldwide shows blend keynote speakers, topic driven panels and workshops to provide attendees with the tools and techniques they need to compete in a changing world" (Ad Tech)

Being there gave me a total picture of the industry, the conference was filled with novices to the industry, which consisted of business owners seeking new means of advertising their businesses, interns, students, and off-line marketers trying to enter the world of internet marketing.

There were also internet advertising professionals there, keeping up with the latest innovation in the industry, and some others were there to assess the competition and promote themselves. It is also a good place to Network and make new business connection.

The conference held various seminars/workshops covering significant points within internet marketing, such as SEO, SMM, PPC and many more. The keynote speakers consisted of famous names within the industry and other internet advertising professional giving their point of views and advice to the audience, consisting of newcomers and professionals.

All the seminars were rich and very enlightening, although crowded; you would have considered yourself lucky if there were a free seat. However that occurred only on certain seminars, especially the significant ones such as: Twitter for businesses, optimising Facebook ad accounts, the latest innovation in SEO....many more.

Additionally an ‘Ads Factory Tour’ by Google provided free-to-attend sessions, which looked “at how best to utilise Google’s advertising solutions” and there were also some free open and close Google surgeries for accounts holders who needed a little guidance on managing their AdWords account.

A lot of seminars provided a great deal of information about handling PPC accounts, for instance; the most talked about point seemed to be about Google AdWords highlighting some of the latest features for optimisation, such as ‘modified broad match’.

Most speakers mentioned the importance in using 'modified broad match' which is a new addition to the match type feature on AdWords, which “lets a user create keywords which have greater reach than phrase match, and more control than broad match”, evidently giving the user more power over their campaign.

So to all my fellow newcomers, I suggest you be prepared yourself for the next conference, go onto their website and note down the next one because it will further enlighten you on the pros and cons on the search marketing industry.

Social Media Marketing: Query Meet Tweet while searching

Bing, the search engine by Microsoft and recently ranked second biggest shareholder in its global market surpassing Yahoo, implemented a social tab in their search engine which produces Twitter account of an individual or a business based on a user's search query.

This application was created to enable users such as; fans to find their idols faster. The tab works by producing results of twitter users’ and their comment in connection to the query.
Marketers could benefit from this application as a social media tool to alternatively promote a business, and also to consumers to connect to an organisation better.

However, the application seems to hold some issue concerning its results. The search results only focus on the appearance of the search query on a twitter account. For instance, when searching for Pipon Search Solutions Ltd, the search result produced this statement “We did not find any Social results or links for Pipon Search Solutions Ltd” Although Pipon holds a twitter account, ‘Piponsolutions’, the lack of results is due to the lack of Twitters’ users commenting or twitting about Pipon Search Solutions Ltd

Not being the only ones to notice this glitch, Bing’s Group Program Manager for their social search, Paul Yiu answered a blogger by stating that; “This is more about discovering Twitter users for a given topic. The most immediate answer to a query is still the shared links and the updates/tweets in the middle column. We hope users are delighted when they see they can also check out some people that happen to be in the middle of the conversation”

Although this seem like a significant tool to use while trying to produce a social media report, it defeats the purpose of marketing businesses and brands, in other words if a brand or business does not practice social media marketing this tab will not be productive. From Yiu response, it could be said that Bing created this site mainly from a marketing and promotional aspect to attract more users to their site, instead of the tab being use for marketing purpose by other.

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Translating Analytics Gibberish

Web Analytics is the method use to collect, measure, analyse and conclude a report on internet data to purposely understand and/or optimize web usage. It can also be significant tool for business and market research. A web analytics report can be full of data, which can have less than no meaning to a non-techy individual.

Avinash Kaushik, co-founder of Market Motive Inc & Analytics "Evangelist" for Google was recently interviewed after the SES conference in Hong Kong, where he was one of the opening keynote presenters, he was interviewed about his method of "communicating analytics in more meaningful ways", which Kaushik responded by using the word "Puking" to explain the way analysts recite the acquired data from Google or Yahoo analytics to their clients or management.

Although perceivable as a little unorthodox, Avinash explains that it is important for SEO, SEM marketers or web analysts to change the way they present their web analytics data to their consumers to help them understand the data in a simpler way, by stating "We have to take some of the dryness and connect it to real life when we present data"

Throughout the interview, he mentions various terms he has used to present his reports to simplify the conventional "proliferation of info graphics" by using terms such as "one night stand" to describe the data from a campaign which received "no revisit of loyalty".

The Interview can be seen on YouTube.

Here at Pipon Search Solutions, Web analytics reports are presented in a simplified manner to make it comprehensible to anyone, because we believe that it is important for a client to understand the data, which enables them to obtain the right information they need to pursuit their goals.

You've Poked me but would you ‘Google Me’?

Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google confirmed plans of Google’s introduction to the social media industry.

The application, which has been internally named 'Google Me' but not yet officially confirmed, will be introduced in parts rather than as a full-on product.

Google will implement the component into most of Google’s main products explained by Schmidt at the Zeitgeist 2010 conference in stating that they will be "trying to take Google's core products and add a social component".
The main Google products expected to be affiliated with this social component are YouTube, Google applications (Gmail, Google reader), and also their newly acquired products such as; Slide, Angstro and ITA.

This unusual method of introduction in the social media industry can be explained by their past attempts and failure to succeed within the market. Orkut and Wave both Google’s social networking; although Google Wave has been cancelled this year due to lack of interest, Orkut is still live with more than 100 million users but only in certain parts of the world, mostly in Brazil and India; with more than 50% of their users being Brazilian and more than 20% being Indian. The US users consist of less than 3%.

Both application were introduced prematurely to the industry and thus inevitably failed to reach their potential success. So it could be comprehensible if Google feel the need to undergo this implementation by taking "baby steps".

The success of this programme can be significant to the marketing world, it will allow marketers to further interact with their target audiences with more diversity and also allow businesses to find alternative means to communicate and brand themselves further.

However, Facebook having more than 500 million users on their site, raises questions on Google's plans to undertake this highly competitive market, based on time or possibility when Social Media users will have to choose between the terms 'Facebook me' or 'Google me'.

Google Instant, friend or foe?

Google Instant was launched by Google early this month; it is a newly developed search engine tool that enables users to obtain their search results faster. Since its implementation, Google Instant has received a controversial reaction by those within search marketing and SEO industry.
Google Instant’s new functions include; Predictions, Instant Results and Scroll to Search. The search tool suggests (Prediction) results to a user while they are still typing (Instant Result). It also allows the user to select their keyword on the tab using the arrow keys and the results changes (Scroll To Search) instantly as a selection is made without the users clicking ‘Enter’.

Google implemented this tool to allow users to save time searching and obtaining their results. At the Google Instant launch event, Google stated that the search tool effectively saves a user 2-5 seconds per search and that it saved 36, 542 hours within an hour of its implementation.

Marissa Mayer, Vice President of Search Product and User Experience at Google, describes Google Instant as a search tool that doesn’t “search as you type, it searches before you type”, she went further in using a car analogy, comparing Google Instant to ‘Power Steering’.

The Google Instant controversy is mostly elevated by those within the SEO and Internet Marketing Industry, who believes that the Google Instant is a dark cloud hovering over SEO analysts. Their concerns centres on the speed and manner users are presented with their search results, and fearing that users won’t feel the need to scroll further down to see other website ranking below on the organic results over a period of time.

At Pipon, we believe that Google Instant is a welcome tool that ultimately will live or die dependent on how useful it is to users. The fact is, some users may think it is a much faster way to get their results, while others may find it irritating that the results constantly flicker and change.
Even within our own search team there have been mixed opinions on this. However from an SEO perspective I believe little has really changed for now. Users are still typing in search queries and getting the same results they did previously as soon as they press enter. For now it seems that the only way to ensure that a website appears at the top of the organic listings while a user is still typing would be to optimise for partial words or phrases. The latter of these options is not difficult to do, however the former does present some challenges.
For those advertisers using Google AdWords what it does mean is greater exposure of their ads. This may increase the number of impressions somewhat but Google have stated that they wont count an impression unless the ad has been static for viewing for more than 3 seconds, so the impact here should be minimal.

Google Instant is available to users on various browsers such as: Chrome v5/6, Firefox v3, Safari v5 for Mac and Internet Explorer v8 and on Google domain in the US, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Russia. Although not available on mobile, plans are underway.