Wednesday 1 December 2010

Ping Me, Write On My Wall, Message Me…Video Call Me?

Pipon Search Solutions utilizes various communicative channels to get a word to our client, or family and friends. The most used at the moment is Google Talk, Facebook, MSN but as some of our clients are international (also some of our friends and family) we also use Skype.

So on hearing the rekindled speculation rekindled that Facebook might integrate Skype on the platform seemed like an early Christmas presents. 
Last month Skype publicized a deep Facebook integration, which created speculation that Facebook might implement Skype video chat functionality within the social network platform; however nothing has been established…yet.
The rekindled assumption arose from a Facebook application developer, Tal Ater, who claim to have uncovered a “Video Chat object in Facebook’s code”
The application developer suggests that the code is possibly still at a testing stage, and could only be available to some users as it does not appear every time the page loads. He also describes the code as holding some properties similar to Skype and Skype user IDs.
If the speculation holds any truth, it could mean that Facebook plans to build its very own video chat feature, which would allow Facebook users to also video chat with Skype users without Facebook account from the social network’s platform.
However, claims of Skype codes on Facebook have been reported since 2009 and Facebook did respond to previous claims by confirmed that it was testing the feature, however it had no intention in launching it to its users.
The company’s business strategy and their latest messaging system, which both aim to connect all its users through a more seamless and synchronized communicative channel across multiple platforms, could potentially push Facebook to launch its Skype feature soon.

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