Friday 15 April 2011

Major blue chip companies fail to respond to Social Media complaints

Hard hitting retailers such as easyJet and Debenhams are failing to respond to customers via social media, according to new research.
Easyjet: The airline was among the UK's top 25 retailers criticised for their poor use of social media channels

Easyjet: The airline was among the UK's top 25 retailers criticised for their poor use of social media channels
As part of the study by internet firm Auros, the UK's top 25 retailers were measured on their responsiveness level to customers  across Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and branded blogs, with each being allocated a score out of 100.
Retailers scored just 10% on average, with even the retailers at the top of the table – Thomas Cook (32%), easyJet (24%) and Debenhams (22%) – falling short of the competition. 
Only 52% of retailers have a blog on their website and 12% a YouTube channel.
As with Twitter and Facebook, the research claims the retailers are using social networks as marketing channels, instead of properly engaging and entering into dialogue with both existing and prospective customers.
The research also found that responsiveness on YouTube and on company blogs was low, with none of the retailers responding to questions posted in the comments section of blog posts or videos.
'It is clear that retailers see the benefit of being active on social networks,' said Dominic Mills, MD at Auros. 'But too many are simply ignoring the fact that you have to be social and engage with users on these channels.
'While brands need to monitor what is being said about them, they need to be confident about responding.
'Companies that use these social channels to get closer to their customers and prospects will increase brand advocacy and generate more bottom line revenue.'

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