Friday 25 February 2011

Panguso, China's New Search Engine

The new search engine created by Xinhua, the Chinese state-run news agency, allows its users to search for news, web sites, images, videos and audio best fitted within the government's guidelines. These guidelines also known as “The great firewall of China” is best describe by The Atlantic's James Fallows as "a barrier to keep its Internet users from dealing easily with the outside world". he further points out that the guidelines is overall "complex structure of monitoring and censorship".

Within the search engine market in China, Baidu holds 76% of the share market according to a Beijing-based market research firm. Google's attempt to enter the market resulted in various PR fiascos and the relocation of their servers outside of China. Google has now been analysed as holding less than 20% market share. Therefore, it seems Panguso will have more challenges than following the governments guidelines.

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