Tuesday 24 August 2010

Small Business Being Targeted by Google

For about the last year or two Google has been gearing up towards targeting small businesses in order to get them more involved with AdWords. Staff within Google London have previously mentioned this to me and just yesterday it was announced by an admin on the AdWords blog that they have created a new category in the AdWords Help forum specifically for SMBs.

The Small Business Corner is designed to help smaller advertisers to understand how to get the most from their AdWords campaign and is an area for discussion about best practises.

This is a welcome step towards working with SMBs, who often burn their fingers while testing out AdWords. There are, unfortunately, too many stories of small businesses (and some larger ones also!) who have set up their own account with Google, not done their research or simply who have not fully understood the best ways to set their account up and who ultimately lost a lot of money.

At Pipon we also have a focus on smaller businesses at the moment and are aware of the tight budget restraints that they are operating under. For this reason we are able to ensure that small but highly targeted PPC campaigns are set up that will allow a smaller budget to still produce some great results. In these instances, rather than competing on highly sought after generic keywords we hone in on what is called the 'long tail'. In other words, keywords that individually tend to drive less traffic than the more generic ones, but that do convert very well and, as a group, do still drive a substantial amount of traffic.

Hopefully the new Small Business Corner will provide the kind of information that will further enhance the work that we are doing to make PPC advertising more accessible and profitable for small to medium sized businesses.

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