Tuesday 27 December 2011

How to use background image in your own web site?

Now a day’s all website makers use mostly background images some fancy and repeating one shape, this will attract users easily. This is very simple to make draw your shape or put image in photo shop tool and slice your image store one location write a CSS style like give as image as background and call repeat option. Here is a given example which illustrates the functionality with code:

 Design an image in photo shop slice image shape correct repeat method like blow:

Write html code like below:
Background Image


Why Favorite Icon

Favorite Icons are one of the ways to attract visitors to your website.
Icons  implemented near the link in the address bar. This picture is called as Favorite icon, or favicon

How to Implement Favorite icon in your Website:
Step 1: Create a image of 16px X 16px. This image might be in gif, bmp, jpg extension.
Step2: Convert the image to icon format with extension ico
Step3: move the fav icon (ico) to root directory
Step4: Paste the below coding inside head tag

That’s it your page is ready with Favicon.
Good luck!

Google Analytics – New Version

Google Analytics is the web analytics solution that gives us detailed insights to website traffic and marketing effectiveness. It is a very powerful and effective tool to track the websites traffic, see and analyse in a very easy way.

For the basics of google analytics please refer to the url below:

Google has come up with the new version of google analytics with 3 significant enhancements:
  • A redesigned Google Analytics platform to enable major new functionality
  • A streamlined interface to make it easier to get to the information you want
  • Improved report performance for faster reports
The overview is shown in home page with the current visitors on your site which changes every now and then when visitors come and go. As a website owner this feature of tracking online visitors currently on our site is very useful. Apart from that it shows the top active pages, referrals and pageviews.

The reporting tool has 2 categories :
Standard Reporting – the reports which google analytics gives us by default
Custom Reporting – the reports we can create as per our requirement and save it

There are a plenty number of useful features in the new version of google analytics when explored. You can browse around for help in the below url: