Friday 1 July 2011

Google+ takes aim at Facebook

Social media has seen a few very successful newer entrants – Zynga, Fousquare and so on. Not intent on being left out of the fray, Google has started giving out invites for its brand new social network, Google+, which is directly positioned to take on Facebook. This is in effect Google’s third attempt at entering the social networking space after two failed attempts – Google Buzz and Google Wave. Analysts around the world have been coming up with initial reviews of the search behemoth’s social endeavour.

At the centre of it all lays the concept of ‘circles’. Engineers at Google have apparently spent hours and hours getting this just right. Circles are supposed to be the correct system of grouping people together for the purpose of sharing content online. Savvy internet users point out to the fact that the concept of circles has to gain popularity if Google+ is to succeed. Several leading technology newspapers and journals have lauded the intuitive and aesthetic interface. The user interface is built in a way that the average internet user will immediately pick up on.

At Pipon Solutions, we keep track of all the happenings in the world of social media. Take a look at our blog to learn more or get in touch with us.

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