Monday 2 January 2012

Create a simple template for a company

While we create web template for simple company we need to consider companies structure and strength.  Structure means we need to know what company is.  Strength means services.  Based on these, it helps to select the color for website (For company site 3 color will give good look) then we need to define how we are going to show that company in online.
While creating or designing website for a simple company we need to consider the following key points:

Header Menu
                Here we need to show sitemap, home & contact links.

Logo Panel
                This field is very important as every logo we need show company, service, professional & strength.

                Here we are going to show our important pages links, here we need to show different style active page and hand over pages links.

Left Categories or Services panel
                Here we are going for professional services & product categories.

Content Area
                Here we need to show welcome panel, testimonials services with brief & short with brief page links, company’s news & events & recent projects. This panel only helps to increase companies rate in their field so we need put more consideration, everywhere in page we need to use more healthy words, this will help to get a standard name in customer market, in this panel if here we showed our company related images  that help new customer to easily understand about our company.

Footer Menu Panel
                Here we need to show short menu with terms & policy details.
Above explained will help while you creating some simple company website.